Is there a critical ingredient to high-performing teams in the workplace? I would argue that it’s Psychological Safety.
A workspace with strong psychological safety is an environment where the team feels comfortable taking interpersonal risks for the sake of growth and development.
Psychological Safety is the ability to express one's identity, opinions, and ideas freely in the workplace, without fear of backlash on their image, status, or career.
Here are a few tips on how managers and executives can create a psychologically safe work environment at their organization.
1. Avoid the blame game to build trust & rapport.
When something goes wrong, it's easy to point fingers and lay blame. But this does nothing to improve the situation or build trust within the team. In fact, it does quite the opposite.
If you want to create a psychologically safe workplace, avoid playing the blame game. Instead, work with your team to find solutions and move forward. This shows that you're all in it together and that you're willing to work towards a common goal.
2. Encourage open communication & feedback.
Open communication is key to creating a psychologically safe workplace. Encourage your team to share their ideas, opinions, and concerns openly and honestly.
Create an environment where feedback is welcome, and where people feel comfortable giving and receiving it. A McKinsey report once uncovered that well-connected teams can see a surge of 20-25% more productivity.
3. Promote a growth mindset.
A growth mindset is a belief that intelligence can be developed, and that skills and abilities are not fixed traits. People with a growth mindset see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. They're not afraid to take risks, because they know that they can learn from their mistakes.
If you want to create a psychologically safe workplace, promote a growth mindset among your team. Encourage them to take risks, and help them to see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.
4. Model the behavior you want to see.
As a leader, you have the ability to set the tone for the workplace. If you want to create a psychologically safe workplace, model the behavior you want to see. Be open and honest with your team, and encourage them to do the same.
5. Encourage diversity & inclusion.
Diversity and inclusion are essential to creating a psychologically safe workplace. When people feel like they belong, they're more likely to take risks and share their ideas. Encourage diversity and inclusion in your workplace, and help everyone to feel like they belong.
6. Create opportunities for social interaction.
Social interaction is important for building trust and rapport within a team. Create opportunities for your team to interact with each other on a personal level. This can be done through team-building activities, social events, or simply by encouraging people to interact with each other on a personal level.
7. Recognize & celebrate success.
Recognizing and celebrating success is a great way to build trust and rapport within a team. It shows that you're invested in your team's success, and that you're willing to celebrate their accomplishments. This helps to create a psychologically safe workplace where people feel comfortable taking risks and sharing their ideas.
These are just a few of the ways that you can create a psychologically safe workplace. I hope they help you in creating an environment where your team can thrive.